Geomant Academy | Customer Experience Resources

You have been tasked to get a wallboard solution for the contact centre.  Where do you start?

Written by Linda Schmelter | Jul 11, 2019 8:51:26 AM

You have been tasked to get a wallboard solution for the contact centre.  Where do you start?

Here are the internal players:

  • Contact centre Managers/Supervisors

  • Corporate Sourcing

  • Facilities

  • Telecom

  • IT

  • Desktop Support

  • Network Security

  • Operations


Contact Centre Managers/Supervisors – You can't begin without a vision and an idea of who owns the budget to pay for this project.


  • What do the contact managers need to see on these displays? What problem are they trying to solve with wallboards?

  • Who is the audience for the displays – the agents or the management team or both

  • What data do they want to display (be specific because telecom will need to know this)? Your choices are; group level data, historical trending data, and agent state.

  • Other than call data, is there any other data they need to see in real-time? It is good to find out what the agents/managers are incentivised on and make sure those metrics are available.

  • Discuss messaging needs. Is the goal of the signage to focus and empower agents or to motivate them and keep them happy – or both?

  • Will you need to show different data/content in different areas to match the audience, i.e. Will Customer Service see only Customer Service calls, while a group in a separate room – Collections, will see only Collection calls or will a summary screen of all play on all of the screens?

Keep in mind that the signage is only useful to those who can read it.  Engineer the screens in the centre so that they are readable.  A 55" display is readable from about 40 feet.  If you can't cover all agents, consider getting them at least the data portion of the screen on their desktop where they can read it.

At this point, you can engage wallboard or digital signage vendors as they're sometimes known, to begin to understand the software options that are out there.

Corporate Sourcing – There may already be a vendor for the screens that you may have to buy from.  If not, your wallboard vendor will likely be able to source the hardware for you.

Facilities – You will need this team to install the screens.  You will need a network drop and power, and you will need to know the location of the screens (walk the floor with the Contact Centre Manager).

Telecom – This team will understand what it will take to get the data onto the boards and precisely what data the Managers want to see.  They can engage the phone vendor if there is anything that is needed from them.  It is essential that they are brought in as any changes to the phone system will impact what is visible on the displays.  If skills are added, it is telecom that will need to be aware to add those skills to the screens.

IT – They should be aware of the project.  They may be able to help with scoping any other data sources that your manager wants on the screen.  They will also likely have a process to handle what is needed for the screens to 'stay alive' even though they are not being touched.  There is usually a process for this.

Desktop Support – This team tests new software.  You will likely be introducing software that will drive the wallboards, and this team will want to check it.  They may also need to package it for easy deployment.

Network Security – It is a fact of life now, this team will need to review your project and any software being added to the organisation.  They will likely have questions for your vendor and may have some guidelines for you to follow.  If the Contact Centre manager would like to show the weather for your region on the screens, there may need to be an exception so that the software can access a particular weather website to pull in this information.

Corporate Sourcing – It is back to corporate sourcing again.  Learn the process of how to order hardware and software.


Operations – If you are tasked to complete this project, you may be in operations.  This group tends to deliver projects for the contact centre.  Your best resource is someone who has done a similar project and who can point you to the specific people within each functional area. 

Not everyone needs to be on every call.  It is best if you have a visioning call with your vendor and possibly telecom first.  Whoever owns the budget should also be on this call.  Then, once you have more information, you can bring in other areas as needed.

You are the glue.  Be sure to remember the most important elements that will encompass a successful wallboard project from the contact centre managers point of view (and/or whoever owns the budget) and then work within your organisation to either fulfil the entire vision, or make sure you modify the vision for the manager (due to internal constraints) before you even get started implementing.

It is best to ask the vendor their implementation process and how many weeks it will take.  Then see if your internal stakeholders who have jobs to do in order to make this project work can match up their work calendars to the projected schedule.  The paperwork may take many steps internally, so find out that process early.

We hope you found this blog useful, If you're managing a wallboard project and have any further questions we'd be happy to help, get it touch with us here. Or, here's some more blogs and resources that you might find interesting: