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Leading provider of customer engagement, communication, and agent productivity tools, Geomant, now offers new and improved ways to support your agents. Whisper coaching, silent monitoring, and barge in functionality offers contact center supervisors more ways to empower their agents in an increasingly flexible environment.  

The Geomant cloud contact center solution provides silent monitoring, barge-in, and whisper coaching functionality through voice and chat on any channel.  

Managers can access these features through their Microsoft Teams contact center and help guide agents at all levels through difficult interactions. With these three tools, Geomant customers have a comprehensive solution for training, onboarding, and assisting employees in any landscape.  

Enabling and Empowering Remote Workers 

In 2020, remote working became a staple of the modern business landscape. ETR (Enterprise Technology Research) reports indicate that the percentage of agents permanently working from home will double in 2021. By 2025, approximately 70% of the workforce will be working remotely for at least 5 days each month.  

In this new, distributed landscape, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for business leaders to successfully train and guide employees. Standing over an agent’s shoulder to listen in on a call or check a chat script is no longer possible. The collection of training enhancement features offered by Geomant promises a more effective way to provide team members with guidance. The available services include: 

  • Silent monitoring: Quietly monitor agent interactions without imposing on the customer experience, or the quality of the interaction.  
  • Whisper coaching: Provide feedback and advice to employees without disrupting the call or chat conversation.  
  • Barge in: Take control of a call or chat conversation at any point when necessary to prevent an interaction from going south.  

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The Geomant solution works for both voice and chat on any channel. Access to chat functionality is particularly valuable at a time when many contact centers are avoiding excess voice calls. The option to unlock the same functionality through chat is useful for training at-home staff in a message focused environment.  

Better Supervision for a Remote Workforce 

Without ongoing guidance and support, the quality of a remote agent’s service can sometimes dip. Agents are often exposed to a variety of distractions and additional issues at home that may take their mind off the task at hand. Additional nurturing from a supervisors during the work from home transition can be crucial.  

Silent monitoring allows supervisors to listen in on calls at random to get an overall picture of how well the team is adapting to the remote work landscape. Watching or listening to conversations can provide supervisors with more context on the kind of training and guidance that their team members need to achieve the highest levels of customer satisfaction. The knowledge that a supervisor can listen into conversations also motivates agents to deliver their best in every interaction.  

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With Geomant’s training and supervisor services, managers can monitor a voice call or multiple chats at the same time on a clean, coherent screen. The intuitive Geomant user interface is straightforward and easy to understand, with icons that help to distinguish who is speaking on a chat.  

In today’s digital age, a conversation may begin with a customer reaching out to a chatbot on a website, at which point the bot icon will be present. Following this, when the conversation shifts to an agent, there’ll be a new agent icon, and even an “incognito” supervisor icon when private messages or comments are delivered to the agent in chat.  

A Platform that Learns with Your Agents 

Geomant’s comprehensive range of whisper, barge-in, and silent monitoring features open the door to enhanced training opportunities for the remote worker. However, the services also grow and develop alongside your company and agents.  

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The platform uses AI algorithms to recognise frequently asked questions and concerns issued by a client. The system can then give automated prompts to the agents on how they can reply to drive the best possible outcome. The bot on the agent side of the interface can even deliver ready-made options for a faster agent response. Alternatively, the agent can use the suggestion as guidance for their own message.  

With Geomant’s functionality, monitoring and supporting remote agents is easier than ever. Companies embracing the new distributed workforce won’t have to compromise on methods for engaging their staff members and optimizing their performance. Whether it’s using barge-in to take over a problematic conversation, or whisper functionality to offer suggestions, the whole business benefits from better alignment between agents and supervisors.  




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